10 Star Wars Moments Actors Didn't Know Were Coming

8. Emilia Clarke Didn't Know Who Qi'ra Was Talking To - Solo: A Star Wars Story

Grogu Punch

There have been huge highs and painful lows in terms of how Star Wars movies have been critically received, but even in spite of the backlash against some of them, there's only one that you can label a box-office bomb.

For a multitude of reasons, people just didn't go crazy for Solo like they did for the likes of Rogue One, so a lot of people missed the bombshell of Darth Maul's live-action return. This came as the former Sith Apprentice appeared in hologram form, to summon Qi'ra to Dathomir.

Since Maul was a hologram, the actors didn't have to be together on set during filming. Emilia Clarke has even admitted that she only knew it was Darth Maul she would be speaking to "very late in the day".

Even Paul Bettany, who played Qi'ra's predecessor as the head of Crimson Dawn, Dryden Vos, only found out about the big twist when he just so happened to walk onto set as they were filming Maul's side of the scene. Pretty bizarre!

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.