10 Star Wars Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

6. David Prowse's Eye Briefly Makes A Cameo - A New Hope

Star Wars The Mandalorian Pedro Pascal

There's quite a lot going on as the first-ever Star Wars adventure reaches its thrilling climax, with Luke and the rest of his Rebel Alliance mates attempting to blow up the Death Star with one highly-accurate shot down an exhaust port, as Darth Vader and a number of TIE fighters try to keep the superweapon safe.

So, you'd be forgiven for completely missing one rather brief moment in the thick of the action that actually revealed a little more of the man under the mask than George Lucas and co. were likely wanting to expose.

As Luke closes in on completing his all-important mission, a quick shot of Vader looking up at a departing Wedge Antilles brings with it a cheeky glimpse of Vader actor David Prowse's eye behind the usually hard-to-see-through red lens of his legendary mask.

Whether it was Lucas' intention to subtly peer into the shell containing a fallen Anakin Skywalker for a second or not, once you spot the human eyeball lurking within, it's very hard to ever unsee the Prowse staring back at you.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...