10 Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

2. Jabba The Hutt Took 7 Puppeteers To Control - Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Jabba SW

Puppetry and animatronics are nothing new in the galaxy far, far away, with the likes of The Mandalorian's Grogu and Rise of Skywalker's Babu Frik being just a few of the notable physical entities to be brought to life without an over-reliance on CGI over the years.

However, perhaps the most impressive feat of puppetry ever unleashed onto a set of unfortunate heroes comes in the form of the giant slug of a big bad known as Jabba the Hutt.

Taking a staggering seven people to operate during his iconic showing in Return of the Jedi, the all-round VFX guru that is Phil Tippett managed to unsettle an entire galaxy with his Oscar-winning work on the literal slime-ball.

Those seven souls tasked with controlling this instantly iconic space gangster had one hell of a job on their hands during the moments that saw Jabba ordering around his goons and enslaving Princess Leia, with an intriguing diagram later revealing that two folks were in charge of the Hutt's arm movements and head/tongue action from within the puppet, and a person was wiggling his tail inside the alien, too.

Also, underneath the puppet was an individual in charge of making Jabba's sides and mouth move, radio operators controlled the nasty being's eyes, and one last crew member was found gelling up the puppet to produce that lovely slimy look.

In short, a lot of work went into being this disgusting.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...