10 Stars Who Featured In Horror Movies Before They Were Famous

8. Kevin Bacon – Friday 13th (1980)

A Nightmare On Elm Street Johnny Depp

Known as the actor who can be linked to any other actor in seven moves or less, Kevin starred as camp counsellor Jack Burrell, who went to work in Camp Crystal Lake in the first of the twelve Friday 13th films.

Jack suffered a gruesome fate when Mrs Voorhees impaled him through the throat from below while he was lying on the top bunk of a bunk bed after breaking the cardinal rule of not having sex in a horror film.

Although this wasn’t his first big film (that was National Lampoon’s Animal House), Friday 13th had such an impact on the horror industry that it was what really kick started his career.

He has since starred in several other notable horror films, such as Flatliners, Tremors and Hollow Man.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat