10 Strangest Actor Vanity Projects

9. Ricky Gervais Paints Landscapes

David Brent doesn't seem like the sort who appreciates the beauty of nature. In fact Ricky Gervais doesn't seem like the sort who enjoys anything besides the sound of his own voice, which tends to be obnoxiously loud whatever part he's playing, and that makes it all the more surprising that he can find time in his busy schedule of being an arrogant bully for a vanity project. That project being, apparently, painting. "I paint now," he told People magazine a few years ago, "I'm in awe of it. I like sea and landscapes, cityscapes. My style is nearly abstract. I think art is man's greatest achievement. I really do." Which is very big of him, since previously he had considered man's greatest achievement to be the second series of The Office. Gervais isn't the only actor who's dabbled with the art world over the years. Lucy Liu's been putting out abstract work for a decade or so, Dennis Hopper was a student of Andy Warhol, Johnny Depp's work is (unsurprisingly) dark and Francis Bacon-esque, and Sylvester Stallone produces Jackson Pollock knock-offs.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/