10 Strangest Actor Vanity Projects

8. John Travolta Flies Planes

Grease Lightning fell beneath his considerable charms with relative ease €“ so it makes a crazy kind of sense that John Travolta would move onto bigger, better things. As it happens that wasn't the case career-wise (well, technically Battlefield Earth is a bigger turd than Grease), but in terms of the forms of transportation he mastered, the actor definitely graduated to something bigger than a drag racer. Because he can fly a jumbo jet. Not only does he have the licence to fly any number of intimidatingly huge aircraft, but Travolta can take to the skies any time he fancies. He actually owns five planes himself, including a Boeing 707 named Jett Clipper Ella after his children (aw), and qualified to pilot the largest form of commercial airliner in 2002. Right around that episode of The Simpsons. Travolta's Florida home is actually located on Greystone Airport with its own runway and taxiway right to his house, with two outbuildings for covered access to planes. He's used his skills to organise an all expenses paid holiday for an Oprah audience, and managed to avoid a lethal crash during an emergency night landing in 1992. Weird, but at least he puts his obsession to good use.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/