10 Stupid Moments In Christopher Nolan Films

4. Nervous SWAT Team Guy (The Dark Knight)

The Dark Knight And now we have more stupid characters who are a combination of crappy writing and bad acting. Take the awesome SWAT scene in The Dark Knight, in which Harvey Dent, who has just admitted to being Batman, is hauled off in a SWAT van just as The Joker shows up to try and kidnap him. The scene's awesomeness is stymied by one factor - this annoying rookie SWAT team officer who says ridiculous lines like "I didn't sign up for this!" (you're in a SWAT team, of course you signed up for this) and, "Is that a bazooka!?" (I don't think anyone's called a rocket launcher a bazooka since about 1973). There are countless other cheesy lines ("We're like turkeys on thanksgiving / We're like sitting ducks"), but the two above are easily the worst. They're pointless and add nothing to the scene; I don't know why Nolan insists on stuff like this.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.