10 Stupid Script Changes That Cut Incredible Sounding Scenes In Classic Movies

1. Back to the Future - Nuclear Test Site Alternate Ending

Back To The Future Perched on the edge of your seat until 88 miles per hour every time, Back to the Future has a nail-biting ending. But the movie didn't originally harness this much excitement (or lightening). In order to make it back to 1985, Doc and Marty were going to steal plutonium from a test site in Nevada. Using the blast from a nuclear bomb, Marty would drive The DeLorean into the plastic town in the desert reaching 88 mph as the blast approached behind. This would act in the same way as the lightening did to jump Marty into the future. The visual of the blast on screen and the destruction of the model town as The DeLorean speeds away would have made an amazing seen to watch. But the scene was cut from the script and replaced to the more fitting ending today. A whole nuclear explosion, would have made this movie more floor-less, however far fetched. Still, the ending couldn't have turned out more perfect in reality. At least they didn't add the time jump into the Star Wars universe they had planned.

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