10 Successful Movies That Prove You Will Watch ANYTHING

9. Grown Ups

Grown Ups
Columbia Pictures

Box Office: $271.4 million

This list could easily be populated by the entirety of the mindless drivel that Adam Sandler has lazily been peddling to us for years now, so he should count himself lucky that only Grown Ups is getting a dishonourable mention here.

You have to think that the pitch for this film was just Sandler writing down his friends names on a piece of paper and handing it over to the studio, because aside from the slate of recognisable Sandler cronies on show, there is absolutely nothing to it.

The story is a bare bones excuse for some outplayed slap stick comedy (that word is used very lightly) and there is little to no connection with a single character that appears on screen. It is a film that expects us to empathise with characters just because we've been forced to watch them for two hours.

There is nothing likeable or relatable to most of them, least of all Sandler and his family who are supposedly our leads. It's a film that just falls flat in every department. But hey, at least there's some fart jokes in there, thanks Adam because we're all still ten years old.

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