10 Successful Movies That Prove You Will Watch ANYTHING

8. 2012

Grown Ups
Columbia Pictures

Box Office: $769.7 million

Straight off the bat, 2012 does have one redeeming feature, and that is that the film appears to have been the last straw for the dying disaster movie craze.

It was a genre of cinema that spent an inexplicably long time littering our charts and filling our cinemas and one that - based off the success of 2012 - still had a bit of steam left in it. Thank goodness then that this bland, nonsensical effort managed to bury that fad once and for all.

A blatant attempt to play off the popular theme of the end of the world based off the Mayan calendar that was being bandied about at the time, 2012 was a movie that took itself way too seriously but seemingly not serious enough to do any research or bother to write a script that made any sense.

A plot that was convoluted and filled with inaccuracies, and terrible performances from the actors across the board, meant that the movie became a source of ridicule rather than inspiring any fear or tension in anyone.

Still though the popularised mud-slinging at this film would only be possible if most of us had seen it, so shame on us I guess...

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Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin