10 Successful Movies That Prove You Will Watch ANYTHING

7. Suicide Squad

Grown Ups
Warner Bros.

Box Office: $746.8 million

DC's Suicide Squad seemed to do everything right in terms of pulling in an audience (solid casting, interesting and popular source material, well-advertised) and then it just seemed to stop there because the actual film is an absolute mess.

Rather than take the time, like Marvel did, to build characters and a connection with those characters through individual efforts before attempting to pull them altogether Avengers style, Suicide squad decided to ram all the character intros into the first five minutes of the movie. Leaving the rest of the painfully long run time spent wondering who the hell is that guy again? And why do I care?

That sense of confusion and disconnection is only enhanced by some of the worst film editing in the history of cinema. Scenes seem to skip and blur in the middle of them and cut off too early or too late; how such shoddy work made it through any kind of screening process is beyond me? Leaving one to believe there was no screening process involved. Lucky for those few that managed to avoid having to watch this absolute pile I suppose.

And the less said about Leto's Joker the better.

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Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin