10 Superhero Movie Clichés That Need To Die

8. Concealed Identity Among Friends

url-3 Obviously it's more dramatic if your favourite superhero conceals their "true identity" when it comes to pretty much everyone they know, but c'mon, this is the age of Twitter and reality TV... what kind of person could seriously keep their mouth shut for that long? Hell, Tony Stark is so arrogant that he just reveals his identity at the end of the first flick, and that seems like a gesture well-suited to this modern era. Of course, it's good that not all superheroes are well-known amongst the public because they don't all have an empire like Stark's to protect them. But we can't help but think that superheroes like Spider-Man and Batman would benefit from letting a few trusted people know who they really were far sooner than they do. Ask yourself this question: how long could you go before telling your best friend that you had superpowers? A week, tops? Thought so.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.