10 Superhero Movie Clichés That Need To Die

7. Miraculous Training Montages

url-5 We love a training montage just as much as anybody, but the superhero movie seems to take such liberties with these little cinematic device that it's bordering the abusive. As witnessed in almost every superhero flick, the hero will be able to come to terms with his or her powers over the course of a relatively short montage. Why? If you're planning on making a franchise outta these characters, why not have them gradually building up their momentum? That way, when Spider-Man actually becomes Spider-Man, it will feel totally earned - best of all, we would've all been along for the ride. It just doesn't seem likely that a couple of weeks would be enough time to grasp such technically-pronounced skills. If it's true that it takes 10,000 hours to master any skill, then we're talking about years of work. Yeah, we know that it's a movie and we're talking about superpowers here, but five minutes of trial and error seems a little bit quick.
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