10 Superhero Movie Clichés That Need To Die

6. Encouraging Pep Talk From A Loved One

Spider-Man-2002-Uncle-Ben-Cliff-Robertson-great-power There's great insight to be had in phrases like "with great power comes great responsibility," but the superhero movie has pushed these quotes so far that they've become a little... embarrassing. So check out your favourite superhero flick and you'll find that at one point during the movie, a loved one - be it an Uncle Ben or an Aunt May - will deploy the usual pep talk that launches the hero back into the fray after a period of disillusion. Hell, Spider-Man 2 even went into full-on flashback mode to re-iterate the same point by putting Uncle Ben and Peter in a lens flare-addled car. And Christopher Nolan utilised this little trope over and over again through the character of Alfred (as played by Michael Caine) and reduced the actor to speaking his way through what felt like dozens of over-the-top emotionally-charged speeches to get Bruce Wayne on the straight and narrow. Those got a little tired (not to mention kind of cringeworthy), and filmmakers might want to think of a new way to re-inspire their superheroes without hamming it up.
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