10 Superhero Movies That Made Major Changes To Iconic Comic Moments

7. Catwoman In Year One - Batman Begins

Batman Begins Catwoman Year One
DC Comics/Warner Bros. Pictures

The Comic Book Moment: Along with The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One was an essential comic from Frank Miller that changed how readers and writers treated the Caped Crusader. Unlike the writer's dystopian future from the previous year, Year One retold Bruce Wayne's early days of fighting the mob in extended, gritty detail. In addition to the hero, the arc also followed a newly-arrived Jim Gordon and Selina Kyle, who is motivated to don a costume by Batman.

The Movie Version: Coming as it did near the start of the modern comic book movie age and opting for a more grounded take, Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy goes for a more pick 'n' mix approach to adaptation, but Batman Begins is clearly primarily influenced by Year One, especially in its first half; you have an increased focus on the Police struggle and the primary antagonist is Carmine Falcone. The only key thing missing is Catwoman.

Did The Change Work? Absolutely. Batman Begins already has an awful lot to contend with - it's not just an origin, but a complete character re-establishment after Batman And Robin - and Selina Kyle would have been one thread too many (she's the most extraneous part of Year One anyway), especially when you already have Rachel Dawes as a female influence. Besides, Kyle worked much better as a foil for an aged Batman in The Dark Knight Rises.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.