10 Supernatural Heroes Who Should Follow Doctor Strange To The MCU
8. Hannibal King
Hannibal King is a private detective in the Marvel comic books who, after having been bitten by a vampire, became one himself. However, unlike most undead creatures of the night, he vowed never to pass on the curse to another or feed on a live human. As a result, he would steal blood from blood banks, feed on corpses or kill animals. He was subsequently cured of his vampirism, but retained some of the abilities of one and has also been known to transform in to a wolf. He has been a part of the supernatural hero teams the Midnight Sons and the Nightstalkers and he could join forces with a number of potential heroes in either of those, should Marvel Studios wish to build another team on the supernatural side of things. King and Doctor Strange have worked together on a number of occasions. It would also be nice to see him portrayed as less of a smart-mouthed jerk than the version portrayed by Ryan Reynolds in Blade: Trinity (who was nothing like the character from the source material).