10 Supporting Movie Villains Who Were The Real Antagonist

6. Jaws - James Bond Series

Bane The Dark Knight Rises
United Artists

Jaws is a recurring villain in the James Bond series, which is odd since most of the Bond films are completely self-contained. Jaws though appears working for three different villains in the series. But the thing is, all of those people Jaws worked for? They died. Jaws didn't.

Each of the bosses Jaws had are like the different bosses in MegaMan and Jaws is ProtoMan. He's a more interesting, truer villain. Even after taking down an entire world ending threat, Jaws is still there - strong enough to fight him, and almost kill him.

The relationship and rivalry between Jaws and James Bond is like that of Lecter and Starling or Xavier and Magneto (but with less chess and more punching). It's like James Bond and freaking Jaws. It's one of the first multi-movie rivalries.

And, like all cool villains, he eventually turns around and is redeemed. He teams up with James Bond to fight against the villain, turning from the true villain to the true hero, like Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi. Only cooler, because Darth Vader didn't have those big ole teeth.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.