10 Supporting Movie Villains Who Were The Real Antagonist

5. The Mayor - Jaws

Bane The Dark Knight Rises
Universal Pictures

After Jaws was released, shark-murders rose dramatically, but punching Mayors in the face surprisingly didn't despite the film's villain obviously being the Mayor.

Jaws is a movie about a giant shark eating everyone who gets in its way. Also a few people who aren't getting in its way. Plus like an entire boat. It's a rad freaking shark, but it's not the true antagonist of the film.

You know who is the main cause of death and destruction? His name is Mayor Larry Vaughn, also known as the !*$% who didn't close the beaches when a rabid shark was attacking everyone. Worse than that, he actively stopped Sheriff "You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat" Brody from closing them. Because money.

He stopped the beaches from being closed because the town, he felt, needed those sweet, sweet tourism bucks. He let people die in order to fill his coffers. The shark was just hungry. The Mayor was a tool.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.