10 Surrealist Films That Will Mess With Your Head

6.The Holy Mountain (1973)

Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Somewhat of a satire on consumerism and militarism, the Holy Mountain tells the story of the Fool, a young thief who ascends a mysterious tower in the hopes of finding gold. Who he finds is the Alchemist (played by Jodorowsky himself), who literally transforms his excrement into gold. Yeah. Together with eight other characters, the Fool and the Alchemist begin a journey to the Holy Mountain in the hopes of finding the secret to immortality. One of the first things you€™ll notice about the Holy Mountain is that the visuals are truly stunning; everything from the sets to the costumes are vibrant and appealing, and the cinematography is downright striking to say the least. As you can probably imagine, the story is a little difficult to follow, and the characters are all essentially just archetypes with no depth or complexity, but if you€™re into stream-of-consciousness storytelling then you€™re in for a real treat.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.