10 Teased Movie Endings That Frustratingly Never Happened

1. Bruce Lee Destroys The Manson Family - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Once Upon A Time Bruce Lee
Sony Pictures Releasing

One of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood's most memorable scenes sees stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) having a not-so-friendly sparring session with Bruce Lee (Mike Moh), which results in Booth kicking Lee's ass. Assuming it actually happened and wasn't a fantasy in Booth's mind, of course.

There's also a sequence in the film where Lee is shown teaching martial arts to Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie), which almost immediately sews the seeds for some potential subversion in the movie's third act.

After all, given that Tarantino re-wrote history in Inglourious Basterds by having Hitler take a clip of lead to the face, most everyone was expecting him to subvert the Manson murders here, and what better way than have Bruce freaking Lee show up to kick the living crap out of the murderers before they can strike, redeeming himself after losing to Booth in the process?

Better still, Tate herself would join in, putting her newfound martial arts skills to good use, allowing Tarantino to re-write Tate's fate in a way that tips the hat to the exploitation films he's so fond of.

But in the end, Lee and Tate's roles are both shockingly small all things considered, and the killers are instead thoroughly dismantled by a high-af Booth and a flamethrower-totting Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio).

The ending we got was still pretty damn spectacular, but having Lee rip the bad guys apart would've been enormously cathartic, while also muting most of the controversy regarding Lee's depiction in the film.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.