10 Teased Movie Endings That Frustratingly Never Happened

10. The Army Battles The Dinosaurs - Jurassic Park III

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The third Jurassic Park film was an infamously troubled production, with the script still being written during shooting, and director Joe Johnston forced to simply make the best of it.

And though the threequel is hardly much good, it does at least appear to promise a suitably bombastic finale when the Navy and Marine Corps arrive on Isla Sorna, courtesy of an eleventh hour phone call from Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern).

But just as the film gears up for an action-packed third act where the Marines take on the dinos, the film simply...ends.

Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and the other survivors get a chopper away from the island while the Pteranodons fly past them, and that's all she wrote.

Given that the credits roll at the 84-minute mark, it's painfully obvious that Jurassic Park III is missing an entire act's worth of content, an all-out battle that was teased yet sadly never delivered.

A frantic war between the humans and dinosaurs could've saved the movie, honestly, but teasing it so aggressively only compounded the strong whiff of disappointment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.