10 Teen Actors Who Should Play The New Spider-Man

2. Timothee Chalamet

Born in Hell's Kitchen, before moving to the nicer side of New York for school and finally escaping the city when he reached 19, Timothée Chalamet effectively already has the origin story of a Marvel super hero. It's just a shame that it's the wrong hero. Still, Charlie Cox seems to be getting along just fine in Netflix's Daredevil series so, in the meantime, Chalamet might as well set his sights on another costumed character that's close to home. He's got quite the impressive resumé as well. Most notably, Chalamet played Tom, the young son abandoned by Matthew McConaughey so he could go explore the cosmos for a planet humanity could all move to after we buggered up Earth in Interstellar. There he didn't get to do much besides rib his younger sister, which is a key skill in the Spider-Man arsenal: quipping along with beating enemies into submission. Besides his second-hand contact superherodom after working with Christopher Nolan, Chalamet also appeared in Jason Reitman's drama Men, Women & Children, popped up in an episode of Law & Order (who hasn't?), and was a regular on the second season of Homeland. He appeals to a wide audience and he's got the talent and the experience. Who else could be better in the role of high school Spider-Man?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/