10 Terrible 2014 Films That Tricked Us With Awesome Posters
6. Tusk
Why The Poster Works: Kevin Smith is a filmmaker who has shown that he tends to be very hit and miss, but Tusk had all the makings of something great. The buzz ahead of its release certainly made it seem that way, and this poster created a lot of discussion at the time. The movie had been shrouded in a lot of secrecy, but this was an eye catching one sheet which gave moviegoers their first real idea of what to expect from Smith's sure to be unique take on the horror genre. It was also a very different kind of poster than what studios usually put out (it has more in common with what you see from the likes of Mondo), so Tusk looked promising. Why The Movie Sucked: Unfortunately, Tusk ended up being far from the hit many expected. It was just really bad. It definitely retained some of the charming aspects fans have come to expect from Smith's movies, and the humour was occasionally spot on, but that simply wasn't enough to save it. This bizarre story of a journalist who is kidnapped and transformed into a walrus could have worked had the execution being handled differently, but Tusk - which the director dreamed up during what was likely a pot fuelled podcast discussion - ended up somehow missing the mark, leaving it and unsatisfying experience and not as good as its poster.