10 Terrible 2014 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

1. Leprechaun: Origins

The Pitch: A WWE Studios reboot of the Leprechaun franchise, starring pint-sized wrestler Hornswoggle in the role previously made famous by Warwick Davis. Yep. Why It Sucked: Leprechaun: Origins isn't just one of the worst horror films of the year, it's one of the worst films of the year, period. Not only is Davis' presence massively missed, but this reboot doesn't even give Hornswoggle much to do, and in keeping him off-screen for significant portions of the movie (and otherwise shrouded in darkness and blurry camerawork), there's really little point in casting a high-profile name in the title role. The acting mostly sucks, the writing is howl-inducingly awful, and the direction is laughably poor. It also takes itself far too seriously in comparison to the previous films, and ends up being neither scary nor fun, making it a total, abject failure. Will There Be A Sequel?: Hopefully the universal critical derision was enough to put a new franchise in the ground before it even got going. If not, may God have mercy on all our souls... What are the worst horror movies you've seen so far this year? What are you planning to watch this Halloween? Shout it out in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.