10 Terrible 2014 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

10. As Above, So Below

The Pitch: A found footage horror flick set in ancient Catacombs beneath Paris in which a group of explorers find themselves contending with a supernatural entity that very much takes offence to their presence. Why It Sucked: Despite the brilliant setting (and to boot, much of the film was actually shot down in the Catacombs) and atmospheric direction, As Above, So Below suffers from irritating characters (especially the ludicrous protagonist Scarlett. pictured above) who constantly make stupid decisions. Furthermore, though the base survival elements would have been plenty to sustain the film itself, the paranormal hallucinations introduced later in the movie are thoroughly unconvincing and feel thrown in for the sake of it. Will There Be A Sequel?: Despite mixed reviews, As Above made $40 million against a $5 million budget, so it would seem likely, even if the surprisingly closed-off ending doesn't leave much room for one.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.