10 Terrible 2014 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

7. V/H/S: Viral

The Pitch: The third in the now-annual V/H/S horror anthology series. What more do you need to know? Why It Sucked: Easily the most disappointing horror film of the year so far, V/H/S: Viral feels effortless from start to finish. The wraparound story is poorly shot and often incomprehensible, while only Nacho Vigalondo's middle short Parallel Monsters is even remotely memorable. The three other stories suffer from a rough presentation, poor performances, bad writing and most of all, a total lack of scares. Plus, the fourth main short, Gorgeous Vortex, was mysteriously cut from the film before release, leaving the run-time at a depressingly brief 81 minutes. Will There Be A Sequel?: The series has gotten this far, so why not? Hopefully they'll put a little more thought into the next one, though...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.