10 Terrible 2014 Horror Movies To Avoid This Halloween

5. Exists

The Pitch: The latest film from the co-writer-director of The Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, and his first foray into found footage since striking it rich with the revolutionary 1998 horror film, following two brothers who are hunting the mythic Sasquatch. Why It Sucked: Like all of Sanchez's films since his debut, Exists is a thoroughly unconvincing stew of found footage cliches and dumb characters. Though the Sasquatch suit is surprisingly convincing (during the brief times that viewers can see it) and Sanchez doesn't waste our time with a lengthy introduction, the shaky camerawork is more irritating than immersive, and there's simply nothing here that audiences haven't seen better-executed in other films. Will There Be A Sequel?: Exists was confined to a VOD release and, with predominantly negative reviews, is unlikely to do much business outside of specialist horror circles, so probably not.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.