10 Terrible 2017 Films That Will Get Sequels Anyway

7. Transformers: The Last Knight

Transformers The Last Knight

The only thing less surprising than Transformers: The Last Knight turning out to be loud, brash, thinly-plotted and incoherent was the fact it made a metric tonne of cash at the box office.

The robots in disguise are further proof that some franchises are immune to everything the critics throw at them, and this unstoppable juggernaut of a series is destined to roll on indefinitely.

Regardless of how bad Transformers 6 - which is pencilled in for June 2019 - happens to be, it's safe to assume it will hoover up enough money to make a seventh instalment financially viable.

Moreover, those who can't wait another year and a half for the sixth movie to arrive in theatres have the Bumblebee spinoff to look forward to this December.


Been prattling on about gaming, movies, TV, football and technology across the web for as long as I can remember. Find me on Twitter @MarkLangshaw