10 Terrible CGI Horror Movie Moments You Can't Unsee

2. The Birds - Birdemic: Shock And Terror

Children of the Corn Eden

A movie boasting a whopping $10,000 budget should never be expected to contain some of the greatest CGI ever to soar onto the big screen. But it's still pretty tough to forgive director James Nguyen for unleashing his flock of god-awful birdies on the world back in 2010.

Said beaked menaces can be found in an infamous romantic horror film known as Birdemic: Shock and Terror, with the winged villains even being seen spitting acid at the poor humans trying to survive their vicious attacks.

A bucket of yellow liquid seemingly being dumped on the actors caught up in this mess isn't even the most bizarre element in that scene. Nope, that honour belongs to the pathetic clipart birdies often refusing to move as they hilariously hovered in mid-air whilst the humans below acted as though they were being bombarded by pterodactyls. 

The truly rubbish JPEG feathered foes make just about every other entry on this list look like a scene right out of the latest Avatar, and they're just one of the reasons this Birdemic is a surreal experience that's impossible to fully erase from your memory once it's awkwardly flapped into your life.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...