10 Terrible CGI Moments in High-Budget Movies

1. The Mummy Returns - The Scorpion King (2001)

http://youtu.be/RYHaarxQTFk There was only ever going to be one film making the top spot. If only the filmmakers of The Mummy Returns were a little more confident in their investment - for the film ended up grossing $433m against a $98m budget - then they might have poured a little more time and money into creating a convincing foe for the finale of what was admittedly a pretty rickety sequel throughout. After hyping up the Scorpion King (The Rock) from the beginning of the film, his emergence at the end is downright embarrassing, and rumour has it, a result of Industrial Light and Magic having a rushed production schedule. When The Scorpion King finally emerges during the climactic battle, he barely resembles The Rock. The eyes and structure of the face don't appear to have been mapped on his likeness really at all, and at times his eyes almost appear to "melt" off of his face. The scorpion "body" is rendered slightly better, yet still looks too smoothly glossy and artificial compared to everything else in the room; needless to say, The Rock must have been embarrassed to be envisioned in such a way, and I'd love to have been in the first screening of the film for Universal executives to see their pained reactions. Are there any worse ones we missed? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.