10 Terrible CGI Moments in High-Budget Movies

2. Deep Blue Sea - Samuel L. Jackson Dies (1999)

http://youtu.be/yMwmqp3GLMc This cinematic moment is almost forgiveable for two reasons - 1) Samuel L. Jackson brings his usual brand of gravitas to the scene, making it memorable for more than just its awful visual effects and 2) the whole encounter is sort of played for laughs, so this nearly escaped mention on the same grounds as Snakes on a Plane - but it's still a lower-benchmark for execrable CGI in a popular, expensive Hollywood film. The close-up of Samuel L. Jackson is the first mistake; seeing the shark dive from behind him looks incredibly cheesy, particularly as he disappears off of the screen in an awkward blur. However, the next shot is absolute gold: a terribly-animated and rendered CGI shark grabs SLJ in its teeth and flops onto the floor, while a scarcely comprehensible model of Jackson's character looks more like a practical mannequin than anything, even though it cannot be. After a reaction shot, we cut back and the shark now returns to the water, holding Jackson at a completely different angle and compounding just how nonsensical and mind-numbing this moment is, even if it's also quite amusing.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.