10 Terrible CGI Moments in High-Budget Movies

3. Along Came a Spider - Car Crash (2001)

http://youtu.be/FPbDFxXU_74 Just like Die Another Day, Along Came a Spider was directed by Lee Tamahori, and features a piece of CGI so Godawful that I only saw the film once upon release, and over a decade later, it still lodges in my mind as one of the most inept pieces of needless animation in a major Hollywood film, and one starring great actors like Morgan Freeman, no less. Though this opening scene of the film is terrible pretty much from the outset, it at least doesn't raise any "shitty CGI" alarms to begin with; they even have what appears to be an actual helicopter, something many films nowadays don't bother with. It all goes to pot once the perp is shot in the leg though, and loses control of his car; we cut to a shockingly poor rendering of the crash that looks like it could have been pulled directly out of Ridge Racer on the PS1. Aside from the blurriness and poor definition of the vehicular model, the physics are all wrong; the speed and the severity of the crash don't seem to match up particularly convincingly, nor do the absolutely absurd number of flips that the car performs, before becoming oh-so-conveniently hooked on some wiring on the edge of the bridge. Absolutely awful.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.