10 Terrible Films You Won't Believe Won Oscars

6. What Dreams May Come

Like most of the movies on this list, What Dreams May Come has one specialty yet completely lacks in every other category. There's no doubt that this film has some great visuals, but other than that, it's extraordinarily dull. Robin Williams has always been the type of actor that is only as good as the material he's given, but it's hard to forgive him for all of the overly-sentimental tripe that he's chosen to star in over the years. There's Patch Adams, Jack, Bicentennial Man, and then there's What Dreams May Come which is on a completely different level of manipulation. This movie is just flat out depressing with little nuance or original thought that would make any of its points resonate. Williams plays a man who dies in a car crash and then begins searching for his wife in the afterlife. The movie's vision of Heaven is pretty grand, but unfortunately, the story lacks the texture necessary to make this work. What Dreams May Come was nominated for two Academy Awards: Best Art Direction and Best Visual Effects; it won for the latter.

Ken writes movie reviews on his blog, kenoncinema.blogspot.com. He currently resides in New York City. Twitter: @keng324