10 Terrible Horror Movies Everybody Loves

5. Saw

Anaconda Movie

Saw is an iconic horror franchise.

The mainstream impact of the revolutionary series is arguably unmatched amongst its 21st century competition. Endlessly parodied and imitated by countless other films and shows, the fact that the first installment in the series spawned eight follow-ups is even less surprising when considers the vociferously die-hard fanbase that this cult classic possesses.

This makes the sad fact that the eponymous first outing simply isn't very good a bit of a head-scratcher. The horrifyingly inventive instances of physical and psychological torture are brilliantly combined with a surprisingly intelligent story and an iconic soul destroying ending - there's no debating that. With that being said, the scenes that take place away from the film's initial nightmarish setting are half-assed and poorly acted - to the point where they seriously undermine the rest of the enterprise.

As such, watching the entire thing all together becomes fairly tedious for anyone who isn't a die-hard fan, but this is a franchise that has no shortage of those. Despite its mixed critical reception, Saw retains cult classic status amongst fright fans, many of whom argue that the nihilistic torture fest represents a seminal installment for the genre. Considering the fact that Saw remains the fifth highest grossing horror franchise in US history, one would be hard pushed to disagree.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.