10 Terrible Horror Movies Everybody Loves

3. Van Helsing

Anaconda Movie
Universal Pictures

While it may be an unbridled and abjectly unapologetic sh*tshow from start to finish, one would have to be made of stone not to enjoy 2004's Van Helsing.

Starring Hugh Jackman as the eponymous monster hunter, this gothic take on iconic literary character Abraham Van Helsing likely has Bram Stoker spinning dementedly in his grave to this day. Jackman scowls, brawls and slashes through any man or monster unfortunate to find themselves in his path, beginning with one of the most unintentionally side-splitting scenes in horror history as he brawls with a calamitously animated version of Mr Hyde.

The abjectly wooden pair of Kate Beckinsdale and Richard Roxburgh, as Anna Valerious and Dracula respectively, excruciatingly compete for the accolade of "least convincing accent ever attempted onscreen" while Jackman inexorably rampages through the backdrop of the chaotically nonsensical story. All of this, not withstanding the fact that proceedings are relentlessly interspersed with some of the worst CGI ever seen onscreen. Can you hear that splintering noise? That'll be Mr Stoker bursting through the lid of his coffin.

While this all sounds worse than watching paint dry, the sheer silliness of Van Helsing is what somehow conversely lends to a thoroughly entertaining viewing experience. Packed with comically misjudged interpretations of every monster conceivable and stuffed to the brim with corny dialogue and thundering action, the film remains a classic 2000s crap-fest that horror fans hold close to their hearts.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.