10 Terrible Horror Movies Everybody Loves

2. Anaconda

Anaconda Movie

Agonizingly bad CGI? Check.

Characters as inspired and fleshed out as a second grade drama production? Present.

Some outrageously bad acting from an ensemble cast? You'd better believe it.

1997's Anaconda was hit with negative critical reviews in a manner akin to bullets from a machine gun being fired without stopping for several hours. It isn't even like the criticism was unwarranted - the movie is frightfully bad in terms of film making quality.

Jon Voight turns in a career worst performance as unhinged snake-hunter Paul Serone while Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube's performances highlighted in brutal detail that their dramatic flair does not match their musical talent. The relentlessly poor "acting" within Anaconda is only highlighted in more clarity as the disastrously far-fetched plot continues uncoiling.

With that being said, entertainment is king in the cinematic industry, and gleefully entertain Anaconda does - in spades. The film thrusts the monstrous reptilian antagonist into proceedings from the get-go, resulting in some uproariously ridiculous, yet utterly immortal set pieces. It's hard to pick a personal favorite between Owen Wilson's anguished face silhouetted against the inside of the snake having been devoured or the anaconda barfing up Voight's saliva drenched Serone after swallowing him whole.

In terms of innate quality, Anaconda is decidedly not the serpentine equivalent of Jaws. With that being said, this slithering horror remains one of the most quintessential and adored cult classics out there.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.