10 Terrible Looking 2019 Movies That Will Shockingly Make A Profit

2. Aladdin

Aladdin Blue Genie

Release Date: May 24

As much of a slam dunk as a live-action Aladdin movie seems on paper, Disney seems to be putting every foot wrong when it comes to marketing the damn thing.

From some unintentionally hilarious first-look pictures to an offputting set of trailers, the latter featuring Will Smith in uncanny valley form as the CGI Genie, the already sceptical tide turned on this movie fast.

At present Aladdin is a laughing stock of the Internet, and indeed, it looks quite rancid.

But it's crucial to remember that your average moviegoer wanting to take their kids to a Disney movie does not digest or care about movies in the same way that many of us do, and they certainly won't be moaning about the janky visual effects.

The fact that Aladdin is the first trailer since 2016's Ghostbusters reboot to receive more dislikes than likes on YouTube is significant, but this will likely result in the film ending up on the lower end of the recent live-action Disney remakes rather than getting anywhere close to tanking.

Even with a budget in the ballpark of $200 million owing to the extensive visual effects, there's virtually no chance this thing makes less than $400 million, even if the reviews are horrendous.

If Venom can make $855 million worldwide, anything can happen.

Predicted Box Office: $650 million

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.