10 "Terrible" Movie Sequels That Are Actually Good

9. The Mummy Returns

Psycho 2 Norman Bates
Universal Pictures

Following the overwhelming success of 1999's The Mummy, Universal Pictures was quick to greenlight a sequel - which arrived in theatres exactly two years later.

The Mummy Returns received mixed reviews upon its release and, for some reason or another, that seems to have translated into negativity over the years, with many seeing it as a poor sequel. But the truth is that even The Mummy received mixed reviews, so why is that we can overlook its shortcomings and dismiss what is actually a pretty great follow-up?

The Mummy Returns is a high-octane successor that adds more layers to the world built up in the 1999 film. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz once again make an alluring pair and The Rock is, pardon the pun, rather electrifying in his feature film debut - though he would be far, far better in spin-off The Scorpion King the following year.

Yes, the CGI is hideous and, less said about that the better, but if you can get over it, you still have a silly and enjoyable romp that is nearly as good as its predecessor.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.