10 Terrible Movie Super Villains Which Deserve Another Attempt

7. Sinestro

Sinestro wasn't the worst thing about 2011's Green Lantern, but if you've seen the movie, you'll know that that isn't saying much.

While the movie was just top-to-bottom awful, Sinestro's inclusion in and of itself wasn't a bad decision.

Acting as a mentor to Hal Jordan while he learns his place among the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was presented as a particularly heroic figure, which again, wasn't too far from the original comic book appearance of the character.

The problem was that the movie did very little to actually set up the idea that Sinestro was actually destined to become Green Lantern's archenemy, instead content to have the character seem wholly good, if a little gruff, until a mid-credits scene when he unceremoniously gives himself over to the power of fear, donning his familiar yellow power ring.

The problem wasn't the look of the character or even Mark Strong's performance, but instead the complete disregard for Sinestro's role as a villain and the excessive focus on his mentoring of Hal Jordan.

Although as yet the DCEU have steered clear of Green Lantern, there is reportedly a Green Lantern Corps movie in the works that may do Sinestro the justice he deserves.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.