10 Terrible Movies That Have Surprisingly Awesome Soundtracks

9. Daredevil

The Movie: It's basically two hours of Ben Affleck taking a dump all over one of the most unique comic book characters to come out of the Marvel Universe. What should have been a high point in superhero movies became as much of a disappointment to hardcore fans as the first representation of Deadpool in X-Men: Origins. The only excuse for such a poor showing is that both Affleck and the cinematographer were both actually blinded during the course of shooting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seCooBU12gQ&list=PLEC19D4B996A9F630 The Soundtrack: Your opinion of this soundtrack directly ties into your approval of early 2000s hard rock. If you still think of Fuel as "Nirvana as sung by Creed," then there's not a great chance of you falling in love with this soundtrack. But the Daredevil OST contains some excellent contributions from post-grunge also-rans Chevelle, Seether, Finger Eleven, and 12 Stones, as well as the song that launched Evanescence's career, "Bring Me To Life." If you're into EDM, there's also a super out-of-place Moby song stuffed right in the middle of things.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.