10 Terrible Movies With One Incredible Scene

1. Reversed Damage - Choose Or Die

Max Payne Mark Wahlberg

Netflix's recent horror dud Choose or Die is a big 'ol mess - a schlocky throwback to entertainingly trashy, tech-centric horror films like Brainscan and Stay Alive, yet taking itself too seriously to be much campy fun.

It does stumble across brilliance in its delirious climax, though, where protagonist Kayla (Iola Evans) faces off against villain Hal (Eddie Marsan) in an attempt to finally be freed of the cursed video game, CURS>R, which has been killing those around her.

Hal is effectively Kayla's final boss in this video game brought to life, but with the clever twist that any damage she and Hal inflict upon one another is redirected to themselves.

The result is an hilariously deranged battle where each administers injuries to themselves that are then inflicted upon the other person.

It culminates in Hal slitting his own throat to try and kill Kayla, but at that moment she falls into his swimming pool while carrying a large statue, causing Hal to drown as water inexplicably pours uncontrollably from his nose and mouth.

It's a genuinely clever sequence that's well thought out and clearly could've been the premise of an entire movie on its own. Had this fight been a short film, it surely would've received raves.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.