10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

3. Handsome Deadpool

One of the defining traits of Deadpool has always been the fact that beneath the mask, Wade Wilson is horribly scarred. It's a result of the tests done on him by Weapon X and the fact that he had cancer. However, when he was recently 'cured' of his healing factor, the Merc With The Mouth regained his handsome face, and it's something which is worryingly a very real possibility when Deadpool reaches the big screen (at last) in 2016. After all, you don't have an actor like Ryan Reynolds in your movie and fail to show off his handsome mug to the regular moviegoing public. Hopefully the fact that Reynolds is no longer the box office draw he was once considered to be and the rumours that Deadpool will be a low budget, R-rated flick will ensure that this doesn't happen. If it does, it will be another example of Fox failing to understand what comic book fans want.

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