10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

7. Wolverine Kills His Kids

In one of the strangest Wolverine stories in recent memory, the iconic X-Man was pitted against a group of deadly killers hired by a group calling themselves the Red Right Hand. Each member of that organisation had lost someone to Wolverine over the years, one way or another, and were obsessed with revenge. Pitting Logan against a strange group of wannabe supervillains didn't do them much good, as he quickly took them all out. However, it was then that a massive bombshell was dropped. Each of those killers were actually Wolverine's children from his many affairs over the decades, trained and transformed for this very occasion. The revelation that he had slaughtered his own kids hit Wolverine hard, but that didn't stop him from begrudgingly taking out the son he did know about (Daken) months later by drowning him in order to save his X-Force teammates. This would actually be some pretty interesting material to work with in a future Wolverine movie, but it's arguably way too depressing to ever make it into one. Fox's X-Men movies do tend to deal with more serious issues, but Logan taking out his children might be too much.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.