10 Terrible Recent Marvel Comics Moments That Shouldn't Make It Into The MCU

5. The 'Superior' Spider-Man

Some fans ended up actually embracing the self proclaimed "Superior" Spider-Man, but the majority didn't enjoy watching Doctor Octopus running around in Peter Parker's body, trying to seduce his ex-girlfriend and murdering criminals. Now that Marvel and Sony are teaming up, you have to imagine that we'll see a lot more in the way of stories from the comic books, rather than the pretty mediocre ideas Sony have been coming up with since 2007. Could this lengthy story arc be one of them? Taking Spider-Man down such a dark path surely wouldn't translate well to the big screen. Peter Parker is one of the greatest superhero characters of all-time, and having one of his villains take over his body in what was one of Marvel's silliest and most convoluted tales in recent memory doesn't seem like a smart move at all. Then again, the title sold well, so there's every chance Sony and/or Marvel end up deciding that bringing the Superior Spider-Man to the big screen might not be such a bad idea. The franchise will have to be in a bad state for them to consider doing so though.

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