10 Terrible Remakes Of Awesome Movies That Almost Happened

9. Videodrome

David Cronenberg's bizarre 1983 body horror film about the mental breakdown of a sleazy cable television channel producer is so original in its concepts and execution that it's hard to see how anyone could possibly remake it. But that's exactly what Universal Studios planned on doing after obtaining the rights to do so in 2009. The script was to be written by Ehren Kruger, writer of the last three Transformers films so you can bet there would be liberal amounts of explosions and shots of Megan Fox bending over. The film was set for release back in 2011 but production never got off the ground. In 2012, Swedish music video director Adam Berg was attached to direct but there has been nothing to report since. The film is apparently no longer in development, which is a good thing, obviously. Long live the new flesh (same as the 'old' new flesh).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...