10 Terrible Twists In Recent Movies That Pissed Us Off

4. Zurg’s Identity – Lightyear

Scream VI

Pixar fans hoped Lightyear would revitalise the Toy Story franchise. Instead, this spin-off was let down by... pretty much everything. The dialogue was unimaginative. The absence of Tim Allen was deeply felt. Also, the plot was appallingly generic. (Seriously, the stories in the animated series, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, were ten times more creative.)

But Lightyear's most baffling problem centres around the big bad, Zurg. At the midway point, Zurg removes his armour in front of our hero, revealing he's an elderly version of Buzz from an alternate timeline. Viewers took umbrage with this discrepancy, since Zurg was revealed to be Buzz's father in Toy Story 2.

Now, because Lightyear is a reboot (kind of), it's allowed to retcon certain plot elements. But since the opening crawl emphasises this is the same Lightyear movie Andy watched in Toy Story, it feels like the screenwriters deliberately contradicted the lore.

Also, this backstory is way too complicated for a children's film. When Zurg explains how he came into existence through time dilation and quantum paradoxes, kids don't have a clue what he's talking about.

I never thought I would say this, but it would've been better if Zurg was nothing more than a generic villain.


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