10 Terribly Cheap Mockbusters That Ripped Off Famous Movies

7. Transmorphers

Kung Fu Panda Chop Kick Panda
Paramount Pictures / The Asylum

A few years before Battle of Los Angeles heralded The Asylum's latest mockbusting efforts, there was a little movie they released that deserves not to be found in a bargain bin, but the actual bin.

Transmorphers, as you can guess by the title, was targeted at fooling those interested in seeing Michael Bay's Transformers in 2007. How successful it was in that, who knows, but enough people have seen it to rate it 1.7 on IMDb - a score that nobody but The Asylum would wear proudly on their sleeves.

Some will argue that there can never be enough movies about giant robots, but we could all do without this. Where Transformers dealt with intergalactic robots fighting a civil war on planet Earth, Transmorphers depicted an alien race of robots driving humanity underground for reasons that nobody really cares about.

It's part Transformers, part Terminator, part Independence Day, and it's one of the hardest, longest, most gruelling 85 minutes you'll ever put yourself through.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.