10 Terrifying Animated Horror Movies

7. Where The Dead Go To Die

Perfect Blue
Unearthed Films

Oh my god is this film dark.

Unrestrained by problems of reality that would stump a conventional film, Where the Dead Go to Die uses the form of animation to go deep into the bowels of Hell and drags the viewer along for the ride.

The anthology film takes a group of literal children and puts them into literal hellscapes whilst a demon dog called Labby tells them to do horrible things. Extreme cinema to the most extreme level, the film isn’t afraid to be as deplorable as possible, and contains some deeply distressing imagery and themes. Like with other entrees on this list, do not watch this after a meal. Or with your family. Or your pets. Or anyone at all really.

Even the style of animation is a horror in and of itself, tapping into the uncanny valley as well as Silent Hill-esque moments of cosmic horror. This film can’t be ‘recommended’ as such, but it is a very scary animated horror film.


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