10 Terrifying Animated Horror Movies

6. Seoul Station

Perfect Blue
Next Entertainment World

Zombie apocalypse films are dime a dozen, but this animated prequel to the equally brilliant Train to Busan is something special indeed.

Like its sequel, the human drama at the heart of the film is what makes it. You really care about the characters trapped in the centre of the carnage, all of whom are played with really tangible emotion by the fantastic cast. But let’s be real, you aren’t here for that. You wanna see some zombies, don’t you?!

Well luckily for you, reader dearest, there are quite a lot of them in this film.

The animation makes zombies look even more disgusting and rotted than they usually do, with a subtle surrealism applied to them that makes their eyes bulge and jaws hang slack. All the tension, explosive action and gore of Train to Busan is heightened in this prequel. Whilst viewing it as a double feature with Train is a fantastic way to see the whole story, Seoul Station is a brilliant flick in its own right.


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