10 Terrifying Horror Films That Will Haunt Your 2015

4. The Borderlands

Release date: 24 February 2015 Recently renamed Final Prayer for its US debut for reasons nobody can quite comprehend (to avoid confusion with the video games, perhaps?), Elliot Goldner's found footage horror film has been doing the rounds at film festivals since 2013 and is finally settling down for a proper theatrical release. And not a moment to soon, with the amount of hype The Borderlands has built during its time on the festival circuit. Whilst many have grown tired with the gimmicky use of found footage and handheld cameras in the genre, it can still be used to creepy effect. From the sounds of it, The Borderlands uses it particularly well. Following a group of Vatican investigators researching an old church rumoured to be the site of paranormal activity. The set up sounds a little like The Last Exorcism, but early reviews are pegging it more as an atmospheric, slow-burn chiller like The Wicker Man. High praise indeed.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/